
6天前—help,especiallymoneyorresourcesthataregiventopeople,countries,etc.whentheyhaveexperiencedadifficultsituation:need/seek ...,seek(somebody's)advice/help/assistanceetcmeaning,definition,whatisseek(somebody's)advice/help/assistanceetc:toasksomeoneforadviceorhelp: ...,Ifyougivesomeoneassistance,youhelpthemdoajobortaskbydoingpartoftheworkforthem.[...].,在并且只在一场灾难超过国家应对能力的情形...

ASSISTANCE | English meaning

6 天前 — help, especially money or resources that are given to people, countries, etc. when they have experienced a difficult situation: need/seek ...

seek (somebody's) advicehelpassistance etc

seek (somebody's) advice/help/assistance etc meaning, definition, what is seek (somebody's) advice/help/assistance etc: to ask someone for advice or help: ...

SEEK ASSISTANCE definition and meaning

If you give someone assistance, you help them do a job or task by doing part of the work for them. [...].

seek assistance from - 英中


seek assistance from

The phrase seek assistance from is correct and usable in written English. You can use it when you need help from someone or something.

Seek Assistance Information

Non-emergency line 1999. Emergency 119. Persons with disabilities report. Keelung City Fire Department. 0911-511-901; 02-24294097.

seek assistance在線翻譯

海詞詞典,最權威的學習詞典,為您提供seek assistance的在線翻譯,seek assistance是什麼意思,seek assistance的真人發音,權威用法和精選例句等。

seek for assistance

The phrase 'seek for assistance' is correct and usable in written English. You can use it when you are asking someone for help or advice.

seeking assistance - 英中


Translation of "seek assistance" in Chinese

Translations in context of seek assistance in English-Chinese from Reverso Context: seek technical assistance, seek the assistance, seek international ...